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050-143-6662 /030-708-6490

Invitation for Tender – Optometry Services



Nyaho Medical Centre invites interested parties to submit a tender in relation to providing OPTOMETRY SERVICES at its branches.


 Clinical Optometry 

  • General eye consultation (diagnoses and management of eye diseases, injuries to the eye)
  • Care for Ametropes (Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism)
  • Geriatric and Paediatric Care
  • Presbyopia Care
  • Amblyopia Care
  • Care for patients with diabetes, hypertension, and sickle cell.
  • Pre-Employment Screening.

Optical Services: 

  • Dispensing of corrective lenses (single vision, bifocal, progressive, transition, photochromic and contact lenses)
  • Educational (Health talks and Presentations)

Proposed Days of Operation 

  • Monday – Saturday (8am – 2pm)


  • Visual acuity chart.
  • Trial lens set.
  • Set of trail frame.
  • Slit lamp biomicroscope.
  1. Revenue.

The following will generate revenue: 

  • General eye care consultations.
  • Medication
  • Optical aids.
  • Refraction
  • Binocular vision assessment.
  • Vision therapy.
  • Pre-employment screening
  • School/Church eye screenings and health talk.

Validity of Tender

 The tender shall be valid for at least 1 month from the date of the tender.

 Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for consideration of its tender, a tenderer should meet and submit proof of the requirements and documents as detailed at Documentation Section.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Collusion

The tenderer shall abide by the Antibribery regulation of the Government of Ghana.

Submission of Tender

 Please submit the duly completed proposal, required documentation, and signed Tender Form by 29th December, 2022. LATE SUBMISSION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the tenderer to study the specification and requirements before submitting the tender.

 Mandatory Requirements

 The tenderer should have a minimum of 5 years experience in the Optometry practice.

  1. Business Registration Documents, Vat Registration Certificate
  2. A chart showing the management structure of the company.
  3. Directors and key management staff profile and curriculum vitae.
  4. Number of professional staff (e.g., Certified Optometrist and other technical and supporting staff)
  5. List of associate firms / subsidiaries.
  6. Audited company accounts (for the last two years).
  7. Job and client reference for similar service for the last three years
  8. Copies of company registration documents, including Business Registration Certificate.
  9. Quality assurance certification (e.g., ISO 9001) (if any).
  10. Company Code of Conduct for Staff (if any).
  11. Complaints handling procedures (if any) (for provision of cleaning service, security service, etc.)
  12. Declaration of no litigation for the past five years issued by solicitor.


Contact Details

For further clarity on tender information kindly contact

Attention Supply Chain Manager.