Martin woke up in the morning coughing and feeling awful. He had trouble breathing and was experiencing stomach pains. Minutes later, he was lying on his side, unable to move. His worried mother, Margarita, rushed him to Nyaho Primary Care on Patrice Lumumba Road, Aiport Residential Area, where nurses took his vitals and called for urgent assistance. Dr Teye, the Paediatrician on duty, examined him straight away. She gave him a nebuliser and IV medication to stabilise him—finally, some relief.

He was ok after an hour and was transferred to the Main Nyaho Branch just around the corner on Kofi Annan Street, Airport Residential Area. Martin’s urgent care and seamless transfer to our Airport Main Branch calmed Margarita’s anxiety and restored hope for his dear son’s survival.
“As soon as we arrived, the nurse receiving him knew all his background and the treatment he had received earlier. After that, more doctors came to check on him regularly. The nurses showed empathy and dedication toward us as we spent the night there.”
Martin ended up getting a “VIP treatment” in what was supposed to be a dreadful situation.

“My favourite part was the food and the ride in a wheelchair to go for my scan; I had a great breakfast [that] I had been able to choose myself; it was exciting and delicious. I liked all the nurses, and the doctor’s examinations were fun. I wanted to learn from them and see what they were doing. I didn’t want to go home. They treated me nicely, and the food was yummy. It was super nice, very nice!”

Margarita could not hide her gratitude; “My son enjoyed Nyaho so much, the great meals and the nurses’ pampering. We are so grateful for the services and care just when my son needed it. The waiting time in Nyaho Primary Care is always short, and the place is serene. We experienced such excellent service in our time of need, and I am so thankful”.