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Hotline & General Information

050-143-6662 /030-708-6490

COVID 19 – Isolation and Quarantine


Direct contact may be someone who:

  1. Has come in close proximity with a COVID-19 positive person during that person’s infectious period and was not wearing personal protective equipment.
  2. Lives with or comes within two meters of a person who has COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more.
  3. Has direct contact with bodily fluids of a person who has COVID-19 (e.g., was coughed or sneezed on).
  4. Provides direct care for a person who has COVID-19.
  5. Has had physical contact with a person with COVID-19, either through handshake, hugging, kissing, or sexual activity.
  6. Has shared items such as drinks, personal hygiene items, cigarettes, vapes, lipstick, eating utensils, etc with a person with COVID-19 .
covid nyaho


If you are identified as direct contact, you are directed to have a COVID-19 test and quarantine for 14 days because the COVID-19 virus may take as long as 14 days to develop in your body.

If you are in quarantine you must:

  • Monitor yourself for symptoms of COVID, which includes an elevated body temperature, body aches or other flu-like symptoms, and respiratory illness such as a cough, a sore throat or a runny nose.

Protect others by remaining in your house:

  • Do not take public transportation including taxis and Ubers
  • Do not attend school or go to work.
  • Do not receive any visitors at home.
  • Keep a distance from all persons, at least 2 meters
  • Wear a facemask around other household members
  • Frequently wash all common hard surfaces in your home and clean all door handles
  • Do not share utensils, cups, plates or rooms (if possible)

In general, other household members are not considered direct contacts if they have not been exposed to the same person with whom you came into contact. As such your household members are directed to remain separated from you during your quarantine period.

If you need medical attention during your time in quarantine, you are asked to inform your health care provider that you have recently been in contact with a COVID-19 positive person and that you are currently in quarantine. If you must come to a health care facility, you must wear a face mask.