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MD of Nyaho Medical Centre is Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2015

The Managing Director of Nyaho Medical Centre, Dr. Elikem Tamaklo, has been celebrated by the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Ghana as the Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2015.

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The Managing Director of Nyaho Medical Centre, Dr. Elikem Tamaklo, has been celebrated by the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Ghana as the Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2015.

Dr. Tamaklo was the youngest award winner among twenty-seven entrepreneurs and five corporate institutions honoured at the 6th Ghana Entrepreneur & Business Support Awards held at Banquet Hall, State House.

The awards ceremony recognizes and rewards the best entrepreneurs in the country by showcasing business leaders to inspire others to take up entrepreneurship. The event is an initiative of the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Ghana (EFG), endorsed by the Ministries of Trade & Industry and Finance.

Guest of Honour for the awards ceremony was the Minister of Trade, Dr. Ekwow Spio Garbrah and in attendance were members of the Diplomatic Corps including Mr. Robert P. Jackson (US Ambassador), Mr. Jon Benjamin (British High Commissioner), Ms. Sun Baohong (Chinese Ambassador), Ms. Nesrin Bayazit (Turkish Ambassador), Ms. Irene Vida Gala (Brazilian Ambassador) Ms. Laura Carpini (Italian Ambassador) and Mr. Lyeo Woon Ki (South Korean Ambassador).
The criteria for selecting award winners were; entrepreneurial spirit, business performance and growth, vision and innovation, ethics and personal integrity, strategic thinking, corporate social responsibility and involvement in Ghana’s economic growth.
Here is what Dr. Tamaklo had to say about his award, “I am honored to have been awarded ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2015’ by Ambassador Lyeo Woon-Ki of the Republic of Korea at the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Ghana Awards…. I could not have accomplished anything without the tremendous support of my beautiful wife and partner, Becci, my family and my management team. I would also like to dedicate this award to the amazingly talented and inspiring staff at Nyaho Medical Centre, to encourage and motivate us onwards to accomplish our mission of delivering quality healthcare for all Ghanaians. My father used to say to me, ‘the heights reached and kept by great men, were not attained by sudden flight, but as their companions slept, were toiling upwards through the night.’ Let us keep up the good work!”

Kudos to Dr. E. C. Tamaklo!